Another Day

Friday, March 8, 2013

I don't know why I am... but I am

A while back Libby was at her pitching lesson.  Right in the middle of the lesson, her coach, Candi, asked  John and Libby, "what is that I hear?".   Well, to my surprise, it was me....sitting out of sight at a side table....humming. I hadn't even realized I was doing it.

Yep, I must confess that I am a hummer.   I don't know why I am...but I am.

So I did a little research and found that humming is believed to have possibly been a form of "contact call" in early humans.  Evidently, some social animals make somewhat random sounds (contact calls) as they go about everyday business.  The best example I found is when a chicken "clucks".  There are two functions of contact calls:   1. they indicate to other animals that they are all akin and there is no danger. 2. an animal that stops making the contact call sound and becomes silent may be indicating to others that there is danger around.  I'm not sure any of this applies to my humming today but I found it interesting.

Furthermore, I found that humming can be good for me.  Evidently, it is a soothing form of sound medicine. It is believed to relate to the monotony of chanting and, thus, be sort of like meditation.  It focuses the mind on music and reduces unproductive, over-thinking.  Thus, it can relieve stress.

Wow, stress-reduction....sign me up! 

As I figure it...I can never go wrong having a song in my heart (and a hum on my lips).



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