Another Day

Saturday, January 26, 2013

My wish for you.....

My Wish For You.....

(my top five wishes for Libby, from her been there-done it middle aged Mom)

1.  ALWAYS HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST.  Turn to Him. Count on Him.  Cry to Him.  Celebrate with Him.  Plead to Him. Thank Him.  Praise Him.

2.  MARRY YOUR BEST FRIEND.  Let the person you choose to spend the rest of your life with be someone you actually LIKE.  This can make life so much easier.  Ideally, your husband will be the person you want to spend your time with, the person you can't wait to call with great news, the person who can comfort you the most when you need it.  Liking each other will make resolving conflicts, being silly together, and being committed to each other so much easier.

3.  DON'T WASTE YOUR TEARS.  Try (even though it can be hard) to keep perspective.  Ask yourself "will this matter a year from now" and really listen to the answer.  Have goals, work your hardest, and make sacrifices....but don't let it consume you.  Balance hard work and play.  Know when you need to kick yourself into gear to make something happen and know when something is not the big deal your mind is trying to tell you it is.

4.  TAKE CARE OF YOUR BODY AND MIND.  Find fun ways to stay active and healthy.  Enjoy pushing yourself and being tough.  You will never regret this!  In the same respect, keep challenging your mind.  Find ways to enjoy thinking, analyzing, creating and developing your thoughts.  Remember, also, to value Libby-time.  Downtime can be priceless.   Time to rest and recharge.

5.  SURROUND YOURSELF WITH PEOPLE WHO LOVE YOU.  Even though "haters can be motivators", life is too important to hang with people who don't love and support you.  People who truly love you will lift you up (not bring you down).  They will be proud of your accomplishments (not jealous).  They will sympathize with you and celebrate with you.  They will help you be a better person. These are the people you will enjoy loving and supporting back.



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