Another Day

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

When strength looks like weakness

My folks have always told me to take "the high road". As a Christian adult I know, more than ever, that it is what I should do. But, I'm a strong-willed human too. In fact, in the past I was proud of my feistiness. So, of course, when I feel under attack, the instinct is to defend and fight back. (We're all that way.) Plus, I don't want to appear weak by not reacting. My mind says I'm tough, my words will beat yours, I'll fight you if I have to...

But I had an epiphany this morning: follow me here.....

doing the right thing often isn't easy... it takes will-power, persistance, and strength....will-power, persistance, and strength are clearly the OPPOSITE of weakness.

For example, sometimes it is hard to do the right thing: to forgive, to turn your cheek, to make the right decision, to keep your mouth shut, to move on. But it IS a sign of strength. It takes the power from them and gives it to YOU (and me).

Ghandi said, "an eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind". In Darren Poke's blog, Better Life Coaching, he stated, "In the gospels, Jesus taught and role-modeled high road living on a daily basis. That’s good enough for me"

And it's good enough for me too. I may fail or I may succeed...but I will always try.


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