Another Day

Monday, January 23, 2012

my word for 2012: perspective

So I have unlocked the key to having's having perspective. As I age I realize that keeping perspective is vital to living happily. So what is perspective and how to do you get it? Well, good or bad, it usually comes with age and/or experience. Simply put, through the years we learn...what we like or don't like, what is acceptable and what isn't, what is a good judgement call and what may not be. We learn when something is serious and when something won't even matter a year from now. In this way, middle age is a good thing. You see behind you and in front of you. Thus, you have a pretty good vision of what today holds. As dismal as it sounds, I see folks each day with major, life threatening illnesses. I've seen many wonderful patients die. So, often I remind myself that if my family is basically healthy, then we've got a big advantage in dealing with any of life's other problems. So many things that our minds want to tell us are a big deal simply aren't a big deal in the long run. In fact, I get frustrated with myself when I let myself get worked up over something (or someone) that really doesn't matter and certainly has no eternal value. So, my challenge this year is to keep perspective. I am so blessed and I pray that even in trying times I can remember what matters!


  • Dear Woman of God Holy and Precious Greetings to you in Jesus Our Lord.

    I have Just read your Writings, Really They are Wonderful and Pleasing To God.

    Dear Woman of God, I am a Pastor from India. If it is God's will and if it is your will, Please Pray for Our Ministries and for the Perishing Millions in Our Country.

    Dear Woman of God, I and we Pray to God that HE may Bless you Richly.

    In Christ Alone

    By Blogger CSI, At February 9, 2012 at 11:29 PM  

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