Another Day

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Libby's persuasive essay for school

Is Deer Hunting Okay?
By: Libby Bynum

Imagine a world full of deer. You would have to drive five miles per hour all the time. Also, you would always have to watch deer eat your garden and flowers. This is what your life would be like if people didn't hunt. More and more deer would be born and have no where to live and nothing to eat. Deer hunting should be appreciated because without it deer would be everywhere. Furthermore, deer hunting gives you meat to eat. When you kill a deer you help many other deer have shelter, food, and water.

Deer hunting is a sport because it teaches patience and self confidence. You learn patience because you have to wait for deer to come out if any do. Hunting also teaches self confidence because when you kill a deer you get a sense of pride and accomplishment.

I think deer hunting should be okay without question because people enjoy deer hunting and it gives them something to do.

However, many people disagree with me because deer hunting does kill innocent animals. These people also feel that deer hunting can be violent because you use guns. They feel that hunters hunt for the antlers and not for the meat to feed their families.

While many people question hunting being okay, I enjoy it because you don't just sit in a deer stand and kill a deer. It's the journey of putting out corn, finding the right spot, and killing the deer of your dreams.


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