Another Day

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Another letter to the editor, different subject this time

Sunday's N&O had an article expressing the "patriotism" that many Obama supporters and Democrats are feeling in light of the election. If you still have the paper, it's on the bottom of the front page. The following is my letter to the editor published in today's edition: (P.S. Dr. Chapman was actually one of my professors at CU.)

Fickle fidelity
Regarding your Nov. 16 article "Winds of patriotism renewed": While I am happy for Ronnie Chapman and the others' "renewed" patriotism, I don't consider this patriotism at all. Patriotism should hardly be so fickle. Absurd statements like "patriotism was a Republican thing" and that people were "told" that if they didn't support the wars they were "unpatriotic" are simply ridiculous. No one "told" me such things. I've flown my flag under all presidents and have considered patriotism bipartisan. The flag represents our country, and our country, believe it or not, is far more than who our current leader is.

Amy Bynum, Raleigh


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