Another Day

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Get ready...November could bring interesting "changes"

P---pleasant and powerful
A---attractive and assertive
L---logical and likable
I---interesting and innovative
N---nice and normal

What can I say? I like her. She sold the Alaskan Governor's personal jet on EBay. What can be a more powerful, assertive, logical, innovative, and normal thing to do? I'm optimistic about things in Washington.


  • I like your girl Palin too! Leave it to a woman (a true woman) to conduct herself so professionally yet charm her way into this position. She is real and that is why she is where she is and Hillary is at home writing a tell all book about her experience as
    1st lady.

    By Blogger lacosta, At September 4, 2008 at 7:30 PM  

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