Another Day

Friday, September 26, 2008

I owe you all an apology.

You know I have to blog after the debate tonight. As most of you know, although I try to contain it well, I can be pretty spirited when it comes to politics lately. I anticipated this debate and even considered hosting a viewing here at the house. I came home to DVR it tonight and later realized John had set the DVR on another we had it taped twice. Anyway, I waited until I went to bed to watch the debate uninterrupted.

I truly was intent on hearing all they both had to say. I wanted to feel good about either candidate as surely one of them will be my president come January. I was impressed with both of their knowledge and intents. However, I have a confession to make even though I am truly embarrassed a bit about it (thus, strangely I am up at 1am telling all y'all about it).

After a while all the questions and answers seemed to repeat themselves and truthfully, I started to zone out a little. (I still listened, I promise). But after a bit I began to notice that Obama's tie was a little crooked and his lips seemed kinda' purple looking. From the back camera shot I noticed his low crown in his hair and pondered which direction he combs his hair on the side of his head. I once again became intrigued at how Mccain can't lift his arms too high and sometimes his hands don't seem to work right. I noticed that his upper lip seems stiff and he blinks alot. I kept getting confused at the camera angle on them. Did you notice that Mccain had to look right to see the commentator while Obama looked left to see the commentator when far away shots showed the commentator in the center. Anyway, in my zone I was trying to figure this out.

Never the less, I was impressed with how much these guys know about the workings of government, of geography, and how to pronounce the names of some of the foreign leaders. Which leads me to all their comments on Russia and its leader...Putin (as you know, pronounced POOTIN'). I'm listening to the future president of America saying POOTIN'. Can you imaging thinking that "the Russian, POOTIN' is coming to visit". Or a headline reading of the "Mccain, POOTIN' meeting" or that "Obama and POOTIN' agree". What can I say..I live with a 9 year old, I hear all about pooting..and I might be talking hot air, but I ain't talking politics.


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