Another Day

Monday, September 15, 2008

You've got to try this....

So we all know one of these type people. The people who love the taste of their food SO much that they insist that you try it. I find this so amusing. I am not one of these folks but I live with TWO of them. John has sort of tamed his insistence because he knows I'm not really into it. But Libby...well she's a chip of the old block. Yesterday, I'm quite enjoying my ham sandwich for lunch when Libby insists that I enjoy a bite of her tuna fish on a cracker. Now, I'm glad she enjoys a variety of foods and was enjoying this lunch in particular. But, tuna fish is practically repulsive to me. I declined. At supper, it was a taste of her chicken sandwich at Wendy's she was so enjoying. I indulged her with a bite of the sandwich.

What is amusing to me is the insistence of the "food-sharers". It's almost as if they get a little let-down if I don't enjoy the wonderful taste of the food they are offering me. I've come to realize that it is an act of endearment. They can't resist it. They truly want me to sample what they are finding to taste so good. In other words, Libby wanting to share a taste of her tuna with me was an act of love...I feel the love but I just can't do the tuna.


  • I feel your pain (or pleasure) which ever it is...I, too, live with 2 food sharers. I've eaten more fish by tasting Abe's delicious dishes than I have ever elected to eat on my own and we won't even mention the sweaty gold fish, sticky candy, and half eaten lollipops from Thomas!

    By Blogger lacosta, At September 15, 2008 at 6:26 PM  

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