Another Day

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Looking for Happiness

Happiness is never stopping to think if you are.--Palmer Sondreal

I must first admit that this blog is pretty self-serving. The other night (as John will attest to) I had one of my unhappy moments. The shameful thing is that I have SO much to be happy about that I'm embarrassed to admit this. As you all know I set out to hear about happiness...from y'all.
Wikipedia defines happiness as an emotion in which one experiences feelings ranging from contentment and satisfaction to bliss and intense joy. Online I read that research has shown that three things contribute most to happiness: 1. family and friends. The BBC reports that research shows that friendship has a much bigger effect on happiness that income. 2. religion. Research also shows that people who believe (trust) in a higher power are happier and less stressed. 3. goals. Evidently, enjoyable goals give us purpose and make us happy. says that happiness is more than just an experience of joy or pleasure. It is a state of mind where the individual feels that "life is good". I once worked with someone who was going through a lot of stuff yet admittedly "chose" to be happy each day.

So I guess I just needed to quit thinking about happiness so much and just BE happy. Nathaniel Hawthorne is quoted as saying: Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you. All of your responses are listed below. They were the butterfly that alit upon me.

I shall take the heart...for brains do not make one happy, and happiness is the best thing in the world.--The Tin Woodman (Wizard of Oz)

Amy: I'm happy right now because I just had a yummy bowl of my favorite cereal (and I'm off work for the next three days).

Laura Costa: Well I just finished report cards! But that only kind of makes me happy because some of them are not so good and who wants to give bad that is why I am not happy. I am happy right now because I am so content with my life. I have 2 healthy boys who are everything I could wish them to be and more. My husband is wonderful. I am so proud of him for his recent hard work on his mind and body. And...I like my family (especially my sister!)

Darlene: Because I just had my quiet time with my Lord and I feel peacefully happy knowing that He has gone before me this day and is ordering my steps.

Kristy: I'm happy right now because my oldest son just came to me and said, "Mommie, I've got bed head-can you fix it?" And I did. He then replied, Thanks, Mom, you're the best!"-doesn't take much to make me happy!!!

Sue: I am happy right now because in 7 days I will be 55 and I have been blessed because I know God, have a good family, health, home and a job.

Libby: I am happy because we do our show today at school.

Gloria: I'm happy and THANKFUL that I could take my girls/daughter-in-law, grandchildren, niece and sister out to the program yesterday and have lots of fun. I just wish you could have been along. Maybe we will do it again sometime.

Marsha: Good morning my dear. I'm happy at this very moment because I have a very happy, purring kitty sitting on my lap.

Teresa: I am happy "RIGHT NOW" as I just received a sweet e-mail from my man! Will be happy the remainder of the day as the "happiest" things in life are priceless.

Jill: I'm happy right now because my house is quiet. ALL my kids are finally back in school and my house anxiously awaits the major scrubbing that is coming today!!

Angie: I'm happy right now because we are planning a Super Bowl party with 20 of our friends and their children. Our new home allows us to sit 20 people for dining. I'm very excited.

Mickey: I am happy because
#1 I know God loves me and is in control
#2 I know that there are at least 3 children in this world that love me just because I am Granddaddy/Uncle Mickey.

Laura Etheridge: ***unprintable response ;-) *****

Michelle: Ok, I am happy because I received a phone call from someone I haven't heard from in a very long time and just thinking about my two beautiful girls and my husband and son.

Edna Ruth: I'm happy today because I woke up this morning feeling pretty good for my age. I am also happy because we just saved $200.00 on a television we bought on Friday from Best Buy then in Sunday's paper they were $200.00 lower so we went back with our receipt and got a $200.00 refund.

Gail: I am happy right now because I have a wonderful husband and son plus my Mama called and she is NOT having any problems today!!!!!

Thanks so much to everyone who responded.


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