Another Day

Thursday, December 13, 2007

How to be married 15 years

Well, I am so happy today to say that John and I have been married 15 years. (Gosh we must be old). While I'll never claim to be an expert on the subject I thought I'd offer up my advice on how to stay married at least 15 years...

1. PICK YOUR BATTLES. Lord have mercy, if we didn't do this we could literally find something to argue about all the time.

2. BE COMMITTED TO BEING MARRIED. I think most folks know that there are times when you just stick it out because that's what you vowed to do. I do feel that if a married person doesn't consider divorce as an option in the matter, things will probably work out in the marriage.

3. UNLESS YOU'RE GOING TO DIVORCE OVER IT...YOU MIGHT AS WELL GET OVER IT. I came to this realization a long time ago. Sad but true, but unless the matter is going to make you leave your spouse, you might as well start working on the solution to it. Otherwise, you're just miserable.

I have to take this time to give a shout out to our great role models...Gloria & Charles and Elsie & Al have both been married for over 45 years. Also, our grandparents (Henry & Annie Bell and Simon & Bernice) were married until death. In fact, neither grandma never even remarried after the deaths of their husbands. Great examples to follow!

Our timeline: 1980 -we met and became friends in 7th grade at East Garner Middle School
1/31/83- started "going" together at North Garner Junior High School
(many years pass and include getting driver's licenses, graduating high school,
starting and finishing college)
12/13/1992- married at Peace College followed by honeymoon in Nashville and
Gatlinburg, TN

One more note to all the parents out there: If your 14 year old kids come home one day from junior high and say they are "in love" with their latest girl/boyfriend...well, they just might really be.


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