Another Day

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Giving Thanks

Well, I feel I'd be remiss to let this day pass without some words. Thanksgiving is quickly becoming my favorite holiday. No, not because of the good food. But to me Thanksgiving is a very spiritual holiday that hasn't gotten lost in the hustle bustle...that does, however, begin the very following day. I can't think of any earthly thing that I am more thankful for than spending time with people I love and who love me. I was thinking today that I am most thankful for having people (more than one I'm blessed to say) who love me pretty much unconditionally. Sure, family is important but feeling true, unconditional love is priceless. Whether it is a dog that will jump on you even when you're grouchy or a cat that will purr and rub against your leg everyday when you get home. For me, love like that from humans is the concrete that holds my body, mind, and soul together. Add to that a loving savior who offers salvation and abounding blessings...WOW...that speaks volumes. I am reminded of Dolly Parton's song Coat of Many Colors when she sings "although we had no money, I was rich as I could be". Richness is a feeling we have inside. Richness...Internal for all. A grateful heart is a great, full heart. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Sing with me..."Count your blessings, name them one by one..."


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