Priceless cheap stuff
We all have those decorations or traditions that aren’t expensive but mean so much. This nativity set is one of mine. I purchased it on the day after Christmas in 1991. John and I had just gotten engaged and so I was crazy excited to go out early that December 26th with Mommy for those post-Christmas sales. In this trip I would be buying stuff for the first Christmas in John and my home the following year. I found this set at Kerr Drugs (now no longer existing). It was half off the original price of $14.99. Since then it’s been a focal point of our Christmas EVERY year. Sure, there are fancier and more beautiful sets to be had; and, truthfully, I’ve desired them at times. But I can’t part from keeping this one as my only one. I bought it with a dream and excitement in my heart. It’s tried and true and unchanging just like my Lord. It is enough. It will always be enough.
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