Another Day

Sunday, August 2, 2009

My five senses love nature

Here are a few things I like to "sense" in nature:

SEE: the pink skies of a sunset
stars twinkling at night
the browns, reds, & oranges of autumn leaves
the colors of a rainbow arcing in the sky

HEAR: birds singing in the morning
crunching snow under my feet
thunder rumbling far away
crickets chirping around a pond

TASTE: the honey from a honeysuckle
fresh fallen snow
grapes right off the vine
salty air at the beach

SMELL: the air after a rain shower
the aroma of gardenias
a clean sniff of pine needles
fresh dirt after it's just been plowed

TOUCH: warm sun beams
a refreshing breeze
cool raindrops
the shade under a tree

So many things I sense each day...too often unnoticed. But, awesome when noticed.


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