Another Day

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Death of Common Sense

Seldom do I read an article in the paper that just upsets me. But on Friday this was the leading headline in the N&O: Lawyer's revelation may ruin him. Here are the facts in brief:
1. In 1984 a couple are shot & stabbed to death in Cumberland Co. Three drug dealer, low-lifes are charged.
2. The murderer (Cashwell) tells his lawyer that he ALONE killed the folks. Because of the "attorney-client privilege" the lawyer doesn't/can't tell anyone the actual truth.
3. The true murderer IS found guilty. However, another innocent man (Hunt) is also found guilty based on bullet evidence that seemed to match some bullets he had at his house AND fabricated lies testified to by other drug dealers (who only testified in exchange for immunity and reduced sentences).
4. Both men serve years in prison. In 2002, the murderer commits suicide in prison. The innocent man is STILL in prison (almost 20 years later).

Now I will preface this by saying that I understand the whole confidentiality thing to a degree. And, I know that I am probably just over simplifying all of this. But, when did common sense die in the whole justice system. How come just because it is his LAWYER that a murderer confesses to, it can all be covered up. Everyone else is expected to tell the truth in a courthouse except the murderer and his lawyer. I have an idea: if a murderer confesses to ANYONE how about we all see that justice is served. God forbid that a murderer have to lie in court AND have to lie to his lawyer too. I think if someone is going to try to claim innocence KNOWING he's guilty, he should have to lie to everyone (let God deal with him.) How come he has the "privilege" of telling his lawyer the actual truth safely. Who are we looking out for here? What about justice? When did lawyers (men of the law) get so disassociated with justice. For a naive person like me I just assumed law and justice should go together.

So as it stands, a murderer was convicted and served many years in prison (Hallelujah for that). Then he commits suicide (wonder what was bothering him????). In addition, an innocent man has lost 20 years of his life locked up in prison (granted, at the time, he was probably a good riddance off the streets for other reasons than murder). So, the lawyer, now that his client is dead, decides to tell the truth. Imagine that: the truth in all of this. Currently the lawyer is clearly in jeopardy of losing his law license. Before the lawyer recently told the truth in court, the judge "gave him a blunt warning" that the judge WOULD be filing a grievance with the Bar.
I have an idea: how about someone who cares about justice and has a little common sense look at this lawyer and did the right thing.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Giving Thanks

Well, I feel I'd be remiss to let this day pass without some words. Thanksgiving is quickly becoming my favorite holiday. No, not because of the good food. But to me Thanksgiving is a very spiritual holiday that hasn't gotten lost in the hustle bustle...that does, however, begin the very following day. I can't think of any earthly thing that I am more thankful for than spending time with people I love and who love me. I was thinking today that I am most thankful for having people (more than one I'm blessed to say) who love me pretty much unconditionally. Sure, family is important but feeling true, unconditional love is priceless. Whether it is a dog that will jump on you even when you're grouchy or a cat that will purr and rub against your leg everyday when you get home. For me, love like that from humans is the concrete that holds my body, mind, and soul together. Add to that a loving savior who offers salvation and abounding blessings...WOW...that speaks volumes. I am reminded of Dolly Parton's song Coat of Many Colors when she sings "although we had no money, I was rich as I could be". Richness is a feeling we have inside. Richness...Internal for all. A grateful heart is a great, full heart. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Sing with me..."Count your blessings, name them one by one..."

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

One more hunting blog....

(sad to say these apply to me)

10. Your husband cleans all your deer. You really aren't much help.

9. While hunting is fun, you think of ways you could do it with your girlfriends for even more fun.

8. During the "rut" you hope the buck gets the doe...just like in all the chick flicks, you want a happy ending (poor fella').

7. You find yourself shopping for "hip" camo clothes.

6. You still find the dark woods a bit too spooky and you swear you see big foot in the binoculars each night.

5. You consider the walk into the woods as "hiking" and thus, exercise for the day.

4. You hope the deer like Bath & Body's cucumber melon smell as much as you do.

3. You desire another method of wearing blaze orange besides that horrendous ball cap that ruins you hair for the rest of the day. (What if you get a big deer and have to pose for a picture.)

2. The last thing you do before heading out of the house to hunt is go to the bathroom.


1. You simply cannot stand it when all your camouflage patterns don't match.