Another Day

Tuesday, February 27, 2007're invited...

So, I'm about to let you in on a little secret...I really just want to be a gospel singer. I'm not talking about being a contemporary Christian artist...I'm talking about being a pure, ole, Jubilee gospel singer.

You know that old show. We always just called it "Jubilee" but my online research told me that it was actually called "The Gospel Singing Jubilee" and it ran in the late 60's and early 70's. So that would put me being about 6 or 7 when I would hear the Florida Boys or Happy Goodman Family opening with their joyous "Jubilee, Jubilee, you're invited to this happy jubilee". Now I can't really feel like this show is my influence because I never really remember liking the show at that age and I didn't even go to church much back then. However, it is a coincidence that I remember it pretty vividly. (And you know I believe "coincidences" are really divine intervention.

Nevertheless, I find myself now thinking that being a gospel singer would just be the greatest "job". I would love to stand on stage and belt out those moving hymns. Wikepedia defines a gospel quartet as "any quartet singing evangelical-style hymnody". That sums up my thoughts exactly. And this job lends itself to being over-weight because the ladies wear matching, conservative outfits usually in a dark color (to match the men's suits). And we all know that having a little extra weight on you somehow makes your voice "richer" and thus better. Besides, Christians would try not to judge you on your looks anyway.

So I'd love to spend my time worshipping the Lord through song and having fun doing it. I like to think happy Christians are inspiring and hopefully pleasing to the Lord.

But, there is just one little problem (well, big problem actually). I don't really sing that well. So for now, each Sunday at church I'm my own little gospel amongst the congregation...singing out just the same. I know that when I sing, my heart is in it just the same. I always have said that "in my next life I just want to be a gospel singer". Well, I'm guessing it will take getting to heaven to make that dream come true.

So, I leave you with this thought...When We All Get To Heaven, I'll be over on Higher Ground by The Old Rugged Cross singing Just As I Am...then you will know for sure It Is Well With My Soul.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Sometimes, I miss the Buttercups

Well, I guess soon it will be time for the buttercups to appear. (That's daffodils to you city folks.) We all know that buttercups welcome in the beginning of spring...renewal, rebirth, nature waking up again. Nothing can shout "spring is coming" more that these yellow "horns" that attach to their petals shaped like sunshine. While buttercups mean these things to me too, they mean so much more also. It was buttercups that I wandered all around our yard to gather a bunch. We had beds so full that if you cut them just right, you wouldn't even miss them from their beds. I remember that slimy goo that would drip from a freshly snipped stem. It was buttercups that learned my first science experiment know that one where you put food coloring it the water and let the buttercup drink it up. It was ALWAYS buttercups that Mommy wrap in a wet paper towel for me to take to my teacher. I loved getting on the bus with flowers. I guarded them so preciously on that bumpy ride. I remember the vases of buttercups that Mommy arranged so perfectly for our house and for her desk. She'd add in some wedding bells and greenery (always from the bush by the side porch). She'd make those buttercups look like the most expensive flowers from the flower shop. So, while roses have a wonderful smell and are protected by their thorns and orchids are so delicate and pure...I prefer the buttercups. Yes indeed...I sometimes miss the buttercups

Monday, February 19, 2007

Slamming Nancy Grace

Okay y'all, so here's the news: Anna Nicole Smith has ruined the news. Sure I was as intrigued as anyone else when John come out of the bank that day and had heard she had died. I nextelled Laura wanting to be the first to tell SOMEone. I have examined myself as to why I even cared. I really think my only interest in her was that she was a starlet who had real weight issues (a problem I know too well) and had to endure the public eye of a reality show during it all. Also, that she had a lawyer named Howard Stern and it took me forever to realize that he was NOT just a cleaned up version of the radio guy.
So, now after all her tragedy she is dead and it hits the news. Well the first night it was on every show on TV. This I understood. But now this is getting freaking ridiculous. Thus brings us to Nancy Grace...A little background info on the female "news" shows of the night. Nancy Grace is the country sounding, in your face, lawyer lady. She stares those brown eyes right at you through the TV into your living room as if YOU are the person she is persecuting via satellite. I can't pick on Greta Van Susteren because she is the one who had plastic surgery on her face in between network changes and, sorry to say, she still looks the same. She still talks out of the side of her mouth and has a droopy eyelid. Can't pick on her. And Rita Cosby...well, she just needs to clear her throat before I can listen to her show. So, Nancy Grace is so big and bad in this "man's world" of news and she's simply letting me down. If she has that Bahamian coroner guy on her show one more time I'm going to order an autopsy of his head to see what the deal is with those "bumps" on his noggan.
Anna Nicole has ruined the news shows. What I thought were legitimate news programs are proving themselves to be tabloids under the disguise. I even heard them talking Anna Nicole on Hannity and Coombs tonight. Come on y'all..if you're gonna be digging up dirty details, at least let it be on a politician I might be voting for. So for now I'll add all these shows to my list of gossip sources...Us Magazine, Just, and Nancy Grace. As I recently read in a newspaper, the only person glad that Anna Nicole died is that crazy, diaper wearing astronaut. Boy, did she luck out.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Three Musketeers

My George, I think I've got it. Guess I had to include a picture of the "three musketeers". These are the "players" of this here blogspot, I suppose. Still getting all the mechanics to this down. I'll get my thoughts together and be back to start filling in this handy-dandy notebook. First it's off to the ole computer repair shop (Thanks, Abe). Till we meet again.....

What am I, a techno-dummy doing?

Hello everyone. This is pretty much a test to see if I have really figured this out. More to come....