Another Day

Monday, February 19, 2007

Slamming Nancy Grace

Okay y'all, so here's the news: Anna Nicole Smith has ruined the news. Sure I was as intrigued as anyone else when John come out of the bank that day and had heard she had died. I nextelled Laura wanting to be the first to tell SOMEone. I have examined myself as to why I even cared. I really think my only interest in her was that she was a starlet who had real weight issues (a problem I know too well) and had to endure the public eye of a reality show during it all. Also, that she had a lawyer named Howard Stern and it took me forever to realize that he was NOT just a cleaned up version of the radio guy.
So, now after all her tragedy she is dead and it hits the news. Well the first night it was on every show on TV. This I understood. But now this is getting freaking ridiculous. Thus brings us to Nancy Grace...A little background info on the female "news" shows of the night. Nancy Grace is the country sounding, in your face, lawyer lady. She stares those brown eyes right at you through the TV into your living room as if YOU are the person she is persecuting via satellite. I can't pick on Greta Van Susteren because she is the one who had plastic surgery on her face in between network changes and, sorry to say, she still looks the same. She still talks out of the side of her mouth and has a droopy eyelid. Can't pick on her. And Rita Cosby...well, she just needs to clear her throat before I can listen to her show. So, Nancy Grace is so big and bad in this "man's world" of news and she's simply letting me down. If she has that Bahamian coroner guy on her show one more time I'm going to order an autopsy of his head to see what the deal is with those "bumps" on his noggan.
Anna Nicole has ruined the news shows. What I thought were legitimate news programs are proving themselves to be tabloids under the disguise. I even heard them talking Anna Nicole on Hannity and Coombs tonight. Come on y'all..if you're gonna be digging up dirty details, at least let it be on a politician I might be voting for. So for now I'll add all these shows to my list of gossip sources...Us Magazine, Just, and Nancy Grace. As I recently read in a newspaper, the only person glad that Anna Nicole died is that crazy, diaper wearing astronaut. Boy, did she luck out.


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