Another Day

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Feelin' the Love

Woke up this Thanksgiving day thinking about my blessings and instantly thought about how the Bible clearly states that "the greatest of these is LOVE".  So today I am consumed with how thankful I am for love.  If we think about it, all the other emotions seem to spur from love.  Grief clearly is the result of a love we have felt.  Sadness, perhaps, is having love and happiness unfulfilled. Love can keep us from feeling lonely.   I believe hate even comes from "love with hurt feelings".  Love makes us care for others and keeps others caring for us even  on our bad days.  Where do we find love???  First, we can easily find an undeserved love from our Lord.  It's an unfailing love.  Next, I feel a lot of love from my family.  I, personally, can't imagine not having each one of them in my daily life.  This year has certainly increased my bond with them.  In addition, I feel love with my friends.  I can't really express how much a smile, laugh, or even an exasperating sigh with my friends can be fulfilling.

We live in a world that seems so negative these days based on what we see on the news.  But, in reality, there is far more love in the world.  If I step back and look, I see love when a stranger greets me with a "good morning", when someone holds the door open for me, when someone lets me out in traffic, when I share a laugh with someone I don't know, or when we give and receive prayers from others.

So, my thanksgiving thoughts keep going to LOVE.  For me, it is completely fulfilling.  The Lord's love is my core and the world's love fills in the rest of the gaps.  If you are reading this....I love you in a way you may not even know....but now you do ;)

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

my healing perspective

Just my opinion:

Worse than cancer—dying & leaving everyone suddenly

Worse than chemo..having no option of treatment 

Worse than hair loss...grueling side effects like nausea & vomiting

Worse than not feeling good...having terrible pain

Worse than pain...suffering a long time with pain

Worse than dying...dying alone 

Miss Mommy but thankful she didn’t have it worse.