Another Day

Friday, May 22, 2009

Memories of Roses

We all know how closely smells are linked to our memories. Although roses aren't may most favorite flower, they sure bring memories to mind. Here's what one lingering smell of a rose makes me think of:

*the rose-scented lotions the Avon lady used to sample out our home

*Mama's rose bush blooming by the well shelter

*single long stemmed roses John would give me. I'd sit them in my window sill.

*the dainty flower-shaped soaps folks love to give little girls for Christmas.

*the roses in the wreaths on my grandma's grave

*the roses that capture me at the grocery store, wanting me to buy them

*the roses in the bouquets I got when Libby was born

*my cheap rose bush, planted in the box, that blooms its heart out every year
(pictured above)

Like they say: stop to smell the roses

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

You must be in Panther Branch when...

*you see deer all around 1010 hwy (esp. by Holland's Church & past Vance School)

*the dump is one of the busiest places to go on a Saturday morning

*you still see tractors out in the fields

*you're out in the yard and people beep and wave

*you have your choice of more than one turkey shoot to go to

*Fairweather holds the biggest yard sale around

*you grab a hotdog for lunch from the Community Mart

*the family has a reunion at the Panther Branch clubhouse

*you battle the crowds to enjoy BBQ at Hollands and the Ruritans

*it's time to pick Strawberries at Roger's

*you hear the church bells playing down at Plymouth Church

*you meet up with folks you know at Pollard's for breakfast