Another Day

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Little is much....

Little is much, when God is in it...

As I sang this song at church tonight, I overwhelmingly thought of John's pumpkin crop this year. According to my own personal weatherman (who diligently watches and monitors the weather, several times a day) we have had 1/10th of an inch of rain at and right around our house since July 10th. While the vines may have gotten a little rain, most of his pumpkins (the actual fruit itself) have NOT had a single drop of rain on them. Add this to 95-100 degree have they grown? Well, Mrs. Bynum summed it up perfectly: This year shows us that God can grow a pumpkin, even without rain. Pretty amazing if you give it much thought. In fact, God has grown our family over 30,000 pumpkins already harvested and waiting for sell. More are still in the field and could yet benefit from a rain shower. While the pumpkins are smaller than normal, so far they are holding up good in the barns. I often remind John of how blessed his businesses are. This year is no exception!

In the harvest field now ripened, There's work for all to do;
Hark the voice of God is calling, to the harvest calling you

Little is much when God is in it, Labor not for wealth or fame, There's a crown and you can win it, If you go in Jesus' name

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Up for a wonderful surprise?

Yesterday I had a GREAT day. I spent all day with my "best little buddy". I woke to a little voice saying "Mommy, are you awake?". Naturally, with this question, I was now awake. She had slept with me Friday night because John was out of town. (This is what we always do). Unlike other nights, Friday night she wanted to wear one of MY sleep shirts and I think now has officially taken it over. We got up Saturday morning and mulled around for a little bit. We decided to eat lunch at one of our favorite places...Jersey Mike's. It's pricey for a sandwich (as John always reminds me) but it is healthy for us both. After lunch we headed to Crazy Glaze to paint pottery. I painted a special plate and Libby painted a little dish type tray. She put beautiful stripes on it and decorated it with animal pictures and polka dots. We've done this enough now that she is a little pro at the whole "painting pottery" process. We had a great time even though Libby said she wasn't "totally satisfied" with her piece. I like to paint pottery with Libby because we are sharing an interest and it is peaceful. Yesterday there were several times we were just painting and thinking and not really even talking to each other. (And it felt right). We finished out the day with a trip to the grocery store, a walk down to Grandmanie's and a short trip to see Michelle & Charleigh. John came in from fishing around 10:30pm and the day came to a close after 11.

I've found that she really is my little sidekick. We have a lot of the same type of interests...learning new things, crafts, physical activity things, spending time with family and etc. I've come to count on knowing I have her to willingly do things with me. (She still doesn't really like shopping, though). Anyway, I know in time this all will probably change, so I'll enjoy every minute of it now.

And to think that 8 years ago yesterday (on the Sat. before labor day) my life was about to be enriched in a way I could not even have imagined...until it all began the next morning at 5am...